Choosing the Right 3D Printer for me

Published on 6 March 2024 at 17:23

Choosing a 3D printer right for your needs can be difficult. But here are some tips to follow to help choose the right 3D printer for you!

1. Research!

  • Consider factors such as build volume, resolution, and material compatibility.
  • Research different printer models and their specifications to find one that suits your needs.
  • Every maker/tinkerer knows or should know about the Ender 3, but look at its caveats, do you want to tinker or need a self leveling solution?

2. Understand Your Materials:

  • Different materials have varying properties and printing requirements.
  • Research the characteristics of the material you're using, including temperature settings and bed adhesion methods.
  • If looking for a Resin 3D printer, look up bed sizes, resolution and print volume.

3. Barrier to Entry:

  • See if there is a community willing to help for anything related to the printer you are looking at.
  • Is there multiple tutorials online, are you familiar with the recommended slicer.
  • Do you need special equipment to such as UV drowning and rinsing stations.

4. Slicers:

  • Does this printer require a specific slicer to run your G-Code
  • Can it run on other slicers, maybe one you are familiar with?
  • Is it maintained or is there a large community of community-made patches.

5. Ease-of-use:

  • Does this printer fit in an area you are planning to put it.
  • Can prints be easily removed or is there a flexible bed to easily remove prints.
  • Do you need to monitor your prints, maybe you need a built-in monitoring system

6. Stay Informed and Seek Help When Needed:

  • Stay updated on the latest developments in 3D printing technology and techniques.
  • Don't hesitate to reach out to online communities, forums, or technical support for assistance with troubleshooting or advice on improving your prints.


By following these tips and the right 3D printer will come to mind and maybe help narrow the scope of what 3D printers you had in mind!